Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment Lawyer in Long Beach
Have You Been Sexually Harassed in Southern California?
Sexual harassment is one of the most common forms of workplace harassment. Though the stereotypical case of sexual harassment involves a man harassing a woman, the situation can be reversed. Men are particularly vulnerable because of the reluctance to complain or the stigma of complaining. The harasser does not necessarily need to be of the opposite sex. The law provides specific prohibitions against same-sex harassment.
Types of Sexual Harassment
Andrea Cook & Associates is committed to aggressively seeking an end to the sexual harassment you are experiencing. We have handled a vast array of sexual harassment cases throughout our years of practice.
Examples of sexual harassment include (but are far from limited to) the following:
- Lewd gestures, remarks, or innuendoes. These don't necessarily have to be explicitly directed at you. The creation of a hostile work environment includes an "atmosphere" of sexually harassing behavior directed at you or others.
- Gender-specific or stereotypical comments or statements ("Girls aren't good at math." “Pregnant women should be at home.” “Gay men are feminine.”)
- Discussions of sexual practices or anatomy; inquiring into your personal or intimate life
- Sexually offensive posters, photographs, drawings, cartoons, jokes, stories, or nicknames
- Sending offensive jokes, stories, or illustrations via the internet or text messages
- Unwelcome and inappropriate comments about your appearance; a request that you wear specific clothing or shoes
You Have the Right to Be Free of Harassment in the Workplace
Although these situations constitute sexual harassment, one isolated or stray comment may not be enough to construct and file a sexual harassment case. Our practice is dedicated to assisting clients who have experienced ongoing harassment in the workplace. Courts and juries must decide whether the conduct is both objectionable to a reasonable person and so widespread or frequent to be considered pervasive.
You have a right to put a stop to the sexual harassment you are experiencing in the workplace, and the attorney at our firm can help you understand your rights and educate you on the hostile work environment laws that govern your situation.
Contact our Long Beach sexual harassment lawyer by phone at (562) 203-1123 today.
At Andrea Cook & Associates, we take the time to listen to clients and understand the many aspects of their situation. We can discuss time frames for filing a case (which are limited) and your options for filing a charge with either the DFEH or EEOC regarding the workplace harassment you have experienced.
Complete our form below or call us at (562) 203-1123.