Severance Agreements
Have You Been Asked to Sign a Severance Agreement?
We are experts at evaluating and advising you regarding your severance agreement. Let us maximize the potential of your severance agreement and protect you from any unfair provisions or limitations.
We attribute our longevity in no small part to our accessibility. When clients are in the middle of a crisis, we are there to provide them with our best possible representation. The attorneys at our law firm offer clients support to get through this difficult time.
Severance agreements can be very complex and invariably require that the employee give up all future rights to sue the company and may include prohibitions against certain kinds of work in the future. You must understand your rights and the rights that you are giving up before signing any severance agreement.
One of the ways we do this is by helping clients maximize the potential of their severance agreements. We take pride in our attention to details and potential ambiguities in legal contracts. Our commitment starts on day one when we explain specific parts of severance agreements to you in plain English.
We are tough negotiators, well-prepared to negotiate with your former employer for the best severance agreement package while clarifying any ambiguities in the language. Do not sign anything before meeting with us. Let us put our experience to work for you so we can make the most of your severance agreement.
Contact Us for Experienced Help
Contact us today to discuss your specific case and needs. Let us help you take control of your severance or employee contract negotiation to preserve your rights.
Complete our form below or call us at (562) 203-1123.