Administrative Hearings
Administrative Hearings Attorney in Long Beach
Administrative Hearings provide an independent and timely “due process” hearing on behalf of state and local government agencies. These hearings are often referred to as Skelly hearings after a 1975 case establishing due process rights for California State employees. A skelly hearing is a pre-dsiciplinary hearing in which you have a right to contest or reduce the proposed sanctions.
As a Public Employee, Are You Required to Go to an Administrative Hearing?
Administrative Hearings provide an independent and timely “due process” hearing on behalf of state and local government agencies. In many cases, city, state, and federal agencies provide a due process hearing before termination or discipline of an employee. While such hearings can be helpful in resolving issues, they are not mandatory. You are well served to have legal advice regarding the nature and extent of any such hearing in advance to protect your rights. The decision to attend or not to attend should be a well considered descsion.
Are you required to attend an administrative hearing to preserve your professional status?
Some professional occupations, which require a license by the state may be required to have an administrative hearing to avoid censure or even the loss of their licenses. For licensed professionals, the penalty for even a minor criminal conviction may be less severe than the collateral damage imposed by an administrative disciplinary board.
We have successfully represented school administrators, teachers, physicians, veterinarians, and other professionals who faced the loss of their professional reputations, licenses to practice, and loss of their careers entirely.
We have in-depth experience protecting clients, and we are well-prepared to help you. Contact us today.
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